August 3, 2017

Did you know? Sun Valley is right in the middle of the “path of totality” for the solar eclipse

How it Works

A solar eclipse works like this: the moon passes in front of the sun, gradually blocking the sun’s rays from reaching Earth. After about an hour, for those standing directly in the path of the eclipse, the moon will completely block the sun from view, casting the earth into twilight. After one to two minutes, the sun will slowly start to reappear. Every location in the continental United States will see some portion of this spectacular celestial show, but most will see a partial eclipse. Only those in the “path of totality” will completely lose sight of the sun. The path of totality is a narrow band, 70 miles across, stretching from Oregon to South Carolina. The icing on this cosmic cake, if you haven’t guessed it already: Sun Valley and Stanley, our neighbor to the north, are both in the path of totality. Imagine, paddle boarding on Redfish Lake and watching twilight fall on the Sawtooth Mountains. Or sitting on the steps of Pioneer Cabin and seeing the ghostly glow of daytime darkness at 9,500 feet. Does it get any better than that? And you since you can’t see the eclipse on a clouy day, picking a location with over 250 days of sun a year is a wise gamble. Now that you know where you need to be on August 21st, it’s time to start planning. Celestial buffs have had their plans in place for years, and thousands of others have already booked to witness this rare spectacle. I don’t mean to cause a panic, but towns on the path of totality are expecting tens of thousands of visitors. Now is the time to book a hotel, a house, a campsite, or beg for a spot on a friend’s couch. Check out our resources below to help…except for that spot on your friend’s couch. You’re on your own for that one.

Here’s an awesome video with a little better explanation on how it all works from the Symbiosis Gathering

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