January 13, 2017
Featured Gear Thursdays – Rossignol Experience 84
Fans of skiing the Experience line have new technology to feast on: the Rossignol Experience 84. Rossi’s Air Tip is a honeycomb design that reduces core weight and swing weight and makes its way from freeride to the frontside. High marks for carving and playfulness and say it’s best suited for skiers who favor a light and lively ski.
Amplified with Rossignol’s new Carbon Alloy Matrix, the all-new EXPERIENCE 84 is an undeniable all-mountain benchmark for expert to advanced skiers. For more information about other gear in Black Tie’s fleet, visit our website at https://crestedbutte.blacktieskis.com/equipment/.
To schedule your next Black Tie ski rental reservation, please call our office at 970.349.0722.
We look forward to seeing you on the slopes!